
Welcome to the siberian breed club where you'll find all the information you require.


the pose: A standard left or right facing pose is essential for all tasks. Your Siberian should have relaxed eyelids (paranoia file) or wide eyes (DA file) any other expression is a fault.


The Jump: Known to be an exceptionally agile jumper, Your Siberian must be able to jump on or off high objects with ease. To do this task you can have your cat jumping on or off the tall stool from the toy closet. To get your cat to jump onto the stool simply click above it. Cat’s eyes must be open with a calm expression.


Upkeep Of Coat: Siberians are known to be good for allergy suffers, but that doesn’t mean they should go without grooming. Their coat should be kept in good condition there for tolerance of grooming is essential. You can use the basic PF magic brushes or novas grooming tools. Your Siberians expression should be relaxed and happy, enjoying its grooming session.


The Hunter!: Siberians can show how agile they are by hunting; this can be done by hunting toys or treats. Aggressive expression is allowed but towards the toy or treat only! Your cat must be stalking, with legs extended, as shown.